I got an email today from Mourngrym over at the Woefeather Conclave letting me know that Warrior Nation is hosting The Great Gnome Race. You can check out details for the race over at their Vanguard Forums. Be sure to check it out, it promises to be Gnomtastic!

Also this coming Saturday The Black Company of the Florendyl Server is hosting another pvp tournament. Their first one was a huge success. I am sure the second will be even better. Be sure to get the entire scoop over at their forums. Are you tough enough?

My cable modem is being cranky and I am not sure if I will be able to make it to either of these events :(. However, if anyone manages to get some great pictures please feel free to send them to me at crismonfellowship@sigilgames.com and I will be happy to post them. Have an awesome weekend!